
Showing posts from April, 2020

Day 21

Day 21 Today I woke up around the time that I usually do watched some funny clips from the AFV YouTube channel. Then my mom made me go into my room to watch tv. I then went outside and my sister was pretending to be a horse and I jumped on her. I accidentally pulled her hair and she started crying. We then went inside to eat lunch then watch more tv. We then fought our dad and watched our usual live stream. I then had a zoom meeting with one my after school clubs. Then we had pork chops for dinner. - Ryan. Today I woke up and played Prodigy academy. And I pretended to be a horse. NEIGH! 🐎 Then I watched some t.v.  Then I played with my toys and I went outside and Ryan sat on me 'cause I was a horse and he accidentally pulled my hair and i cried. Then we came in for lunch and we wrestled my dad. And the we watched our live stream. Then I watched more t.v. - Leah 🐴 *Please note that we are sorry for the lack of posts, we have been busy with other things.


Day 14 Today was awesome! First, school was cancelled, and then for our study projects about what we were gonna be when we grew up, my mom said we had to talk to someone who either was what our job was or someone who was in that job. I got to talk to a former Detroit Tigers player named Ike Blessitt. Then we had lunch and drove by our church friends house for her b-day. We then went to the Target drive-up to pick up a few things. We then got home and watched our live streams then went outside. When our mom finished work, we went for a bike ride to show our mom a dirt trail. Then we went back home and I had a video meeting with a few of my friends.-Ryan Today was a pretty upsetting day. School is cancelled for the rest of the year!😿😿😿 But other then that today was normal. Math,reading, social studies, and we did a research project for our future career and we talked to some people. I talked to Ms. Amy from church and she's a scientist. I asked her a bunch of questions ...