Day 12

Day 12

Today, when my mom came up, my sister was still sleeping downstairs so then I got a head start on my learning. I had finished my math before she even came upstairs. She didn't do her math because it was time for social studies. We both learned about the state of Michigan before doing our reading. After reading, my mom made us do a research project about what we were going to be when we grow up. We did until 1 o'clock when our mom said we could rest. We then watched our usual live streams and then watched YouTube. Then, our mom and sister went to the Target drive up and then me and my dad made dinner.-Ryan

Today I slept in again! I missed math and did social studies. Then I was really hungry so I made oatmeal and had a kiwi. Then I wrote a letter and then did a research project. Then we just watched t.v. and watched our usual live streams. then I played prodigy and vacuumed then I went with my mom to Target to pick somethings up. - Leah


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