Day 2

Day 2
This morning we didn't have much work. All we did was math, social studies, and reading. For lunch we had pizza bagels. Before lunch, we went outside for about 30 minutes. Then the rest of the day we had free time. We went for a bike ride and then spent another 30 minutes outside before having more tv time. Then we helped make dinner for the next 2 days. For today, we did make your own pizza, and for tomorrow, we made chicken noodle soup. That's all for my perspective for today. -Ryan

This morning I got up and I did some math. Next we had social studies and Ryan watched a weird video. Then I read for a hour. Then I did a reading assignment about the book characters. Then I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then we had out side time for about 30 minutes. Next we came in for lunch and had pizza bagels. Then we had a lot of free time. Then we had more out side time and went on a bike ride with mom. Then we picked up a school chrome book that we rented. Then we picked up target groceries. Then we watched another ted talks video. Then we watched another art live stream. Then I had free time on my chrome book and then we watched a zoo podcast ( live) about a porcupine. Then we made dinner. Pizza for today and chicken noodle soup for tomorrow. Check tomorrow for more news.- Leah


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