Day 4 and a Visit to the Doctor

Day 4

Today was kinda different. I was complaining to my mom that I was dizzy, my stomach was hurting and my throat was hurting. After we did all of our things, my mom scheduled a doctors appointment for me at 2:50. We had been watching tv until about 2:00 when we started watching our usual stream. We watched it for about 10 minutes until we left. When we were there, we watched our other usual live stream. When our doctor came in, she examined me and then said I had strep throat. She prescribed some medicine for me and had my mom schedule an ultra sound. So that is pretty much how my day went.-Ryan

Today Ryan was not feeling well. We started the day normally though. We did math from our packets, did reading and I did a website called Khan Academy. Then I watched a video for social studies. Next we went outside. Then we had soup for lunch. Then we had rest time and I played prodigy. Then I watched some of a art live stream but then we had to go to do our doctor and now Ryan has strep throat. That's pretty much my day. - Leah


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