Day 7

Day 7

Today our dad stayed home because of COVID-19. He was our "teacher". When we had our first outside time, we went to our basement to exercise. We were killing ourselves. Our dad made us do push ups, sit us, planks, burpees, etc. We did some boxing then had some lunch. We then had rest time until our live streams came on. We then went for a bike ride with our dad for over an hour and a half. After that, we made dinner and then rested. -Ryan

Today was one of my favorite days. I accidentally slept in but we did our normal math and reading but social studies was a little different 'cause I went on a virtual tour but did not learn anything. Then we went down stairs for our new gym class taught by my dad. When we went upstairs for lunch, we were exhausted. Then we wrote letters to our friends. Then we had free time and I did some prodigy. ( Their changing it to prodigy academy) Then we watched our live streams then we went outside. Then my dad took us on a really long bike ride. When we got home I was SUPER tired. Then we made tacos for dinner. - Leah


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