Getting Into the Swing of Things

Day 3

The morning was the same as every morning. I asked my dad if I could watch YouTube but he said no. So this morning, we did our math. It wasn't hard surprisingly. After that, we watched a video about the American Revolution. We actually didn't go outside today. We did have to head to my mom's work so that we could print some files. On the way, we listened to a podcast about The Office. After that, we stopped at Target to pick up my mom's new printer. After that we watched two live streams. The first one was by the author/illustrator of the Lunch Lady series and the Jedi Academy series and the second one was from the Cincinnati Zoo.  And then watched YouTube. I wasn't feeling that well so my mom said that I should take a warm bath. After that, we went to get my hair cut. That is pretty much all we did today.-Ryan

This morning I went on my chrome book and played a math game called prodigy. Then I did some real math and played more prodigy. Next we had my least favorite subject... social studies!☹️ Except it wasn't that bad. ( phew! ) We just watched a video about the 13 colonies 'cause that's what Ryan is learning about. Next I read my books. Then we went to my mom's office to print stuff and on the way we listened to a podcast about the t.v. show The Office. Then we got Subway for lunch. Then we went to Target to pick up a printer. Then we did chores and went to get Ryan's hair cut. Bye for now! - Leah


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