Monday Again

Day 6

It's Monday again. We honestly hardly did anything. We did our usual math and social studies. My mom had to leave to get her printer set up. So my grandma came over to watch us. We went outside and after my grandma watched an announcement by the governor, we got McDonald's. After that, we watched our live streams and then watched tv. For dinner, we had mac and cheese then watched YouTube. -Ryan

Today was Monday. We did our normal schedule. Math, reading, but then my mom had to go somewhere so our grandma took us outside. Then she took us to McDonald's for lunch. But she got mad because they forgot Ryan's quarter pounder and my aunt's food. ( can't remember what it was.) Then my mom came home. Then we had some rest time and watched our art live stream. Then we went outside again. Then we did our chores. Then I watched some YouTube and then we went to Target to pick up a order and we got new Legos. Then we made mac and cheese for dinner. - Leah


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