
Showing posts from March, 2020

Day 12

Day 12 Today, when my mom came up, my sister was still sleeping downstairs so then I got a head start on my learning. I had finished my math before she even came upstairs. She didn't do her math because it was time for social studies. We both learned about the state of Michigan before doing our reading. After reading, my mom made us do a research project about what we were going to be when we grow up. We did until 1 o'clock when our mom said we could rest. We then watched our usual live streams and then watched YouTube. Then, our mom and sister went to the Target drive up and then me and my dad made dinner.-Ryan Today I slept in again! I missed math and did social studies. Then I was really hungry so I made oatmeal and had a kiwi. Then I wrote a letter and then did a research project. Then we just watched t.v. and watched our usual live streams. then I played prodigy and vacuumed then I went with my mom to Target to pick somethings up. - Leah

Week 3 day 11

Day 11 Sadly it's Monday again. We did our math and I did social studies but my sister didn't. I learned about the state of Hawaii. We both did our reading time then went downstairs to do our workouts and they were brutal. I had my usual lunch of Mac and Cheese and a granny smith apple. We watched a different live stream at two because there was one from a farm in our town. We watched our other live stream then watched our usual 2pm live stream. We then watched tv then for a little watched YouTube.-Ryan It was Monday again. I really think that home school days are longer! But bad news is that we might have to do it for the rest of the year!!😞 I really miss my friends! Today we had our normal schedule. Math, reading, and gym. Then we had lunch then we watched t.v and then we saw a South Lyon farm live stream and then the zoo live stream and then we watched the art live stream. - Leah They are forgetting the part where after Mom got done with work that they had to clean th...

Ryan's a rapper

Day 10 Today this morning was the same. We did our math, social studies and reading. We went downstairs to do our exercise. My sister did have a virtual meeting with her class on Zoom. For lunch, I had my usual macaroni and cheese and an apple. After lunch, my mom told me about an e-mail from my music teacher about us having to create a song. So with the help of my mom and dad, I created a rap song called Quarantine Blues. After that, I watched some YouTube . We watched our usual live streams and then went outside to play. After that, we had dinner then watched a movie.-Ryan |

Ryan Gets Tackled

Day 9 This morning was pretty much the same as always. We did our math reading and social studies. For outside time, me, my dad, and sister went to the McHattie Park baseball diamonds to practice. When I had hit the ball, my dad scooped it up and tried to tag me out. He tripped and fell on top of me and it hurt so much. But my dad told me to walk it off so I did. After we went home, we watched some tv. For dinner, we made french toast. We cleaned the entry way and also folded our laundry.-Ryan  Today was almost like a normal day. We did our normal schedule. But for gym we went to Mchattie park and did baseball. Then we came back for lunch and watched some t.v. Then me and my mom went on a walk but I rode my bike. Then I played Prodigy until the art and zoo live streams. Then we went back outside for a bit. For dinner we made french toast. - Leah

Getting Outside

Day 8 Today was different. I had done my share of reading before my mom even came upstairs. And all of my math homework was done so I just did some stuff on a math website. For social studies I watched something on the Revolutionary War. After that, we did some exercises in our basement. Then we had lunch. After that, we had free time. When it was the nicest outside, me my sister and my dad went for a bike ride. Then we had dinner and then went to Culver's to get concrete mixers for dessert.-Ryan Today we had our normal schedule. Math, reading, social studies, and then we had gym which my mom calls the torture chamber. Then we made lunch. Then we hung out for a little bit. Then we watched the art live stream then when my mom got home from the store we watched the zoo live stream. Then we went on another bike ride. Then we went on a walk. Then we went to Kensington park. Then we got concrete mixers at Culver's. - Leah

Day 7

Day 7 Today our dad stayed home because of COVID-19. He was our "teacher". When we had our first outside time, we went to our basement to exercise. We were killing ourselves. Our dad made us do push ups, sit us, planks, burpees, etc. We did some boxing then had some lunch. We then had rest time until our live streams came on. We then went for a bike ride with our dad for over an hour and a half. After that, we made dinner and then rested. -Ryan Today was one of my favorite days. I accidentally slept in but we did our normal math and reading but social studies was a little different 'cause I went on a virtual tour but did not learn anything. Then we went down stairs for our new gym class taught by my dad. When we went upstairs for lunch, we were exhausted. Then we wrote letters to our friends. Then we had free time and I did some prodigy. ( Their changing it to prodigy academy) Then we watched our live streams then we went outside. Then my dad took us on a really long...

Monday Again

Day 6 It's Monday again. We honestly hardly did anything. We did our usual math and social studies. My mom had to leave to get her printer set up. So my grandma came over to watch us. We went outside and after my grandma watched an announcement by the governor, we got McDonald's. After that, we watched our live streams and then watched tv. For dinner, we had mac and cheese then watched YouTube. -Ryan Today was Monday. We did our normal schedule. Math, reading, but then my mom had to go somewhere so our grandma took us outside. Then she took us to McDonald's for lunch. But she got mad because they forgot Ryan's quarter pounder and my aunt's food. ( can't remember what it was.) Then my mom came home. Then we had some rest time and watched our art live stream. Then we went outside again. Then we did our chores. Then I watched some YouTube and then we went to Target to pick up a order and we got new Legos. Then we made mac and cheese for dinner. - Leah

Finally Friday!

Day 5 We finally made it to Friday! Today was different because since this morn' was the nicest it would be. We did do math, though. We didn't do much learning today, though. We watched the live streams and cleaned the living room. The thing I cleaned was the video games and movies shelves. I organized them with movies on top and video games on bottom. I wrote some letters to my friends as well. Math, today was chill. My dad got home very early. Tonight we used our Wii to have a family game night.-Ryan Today was finally Friday! I liked how our day went today. First we went outside since it was nice out. Next I did some really hard division. Then I did some reading. Then we had lunch and I made ramen noodles. Then I wrote a letter to my friend Ella. Then we cleaned the living room and bath room. Next I watched the zoo live stream. Then I just watched t.v. and then we made chocolate chip cookies. It was a good day. - Leah

Day 4 and a Visit to the Doctor

Day 4 Today was kinda different. I was complaining to my mom that I was dizzy, my stomach was hurting and my throat was hurting. After we did all of our things, my mom scheduled a doctors appointment for me at 2:50. We had been watching tv until about 2:00 when we started watching our usual stream. We watched it for about 10 minutes until we left. When we were there, we watched our other usual live stream. When our doctor came in, she examined me and then said I had strep throat. She prescribed some medicine for me and had my mom schedule an ultra sound. So that is pretty much how my day went.-Ryan Today Ryan was not feeling well. We started the day normally though. We did math from our packets, did reading and I did a website called Khan Academy. Then I watched a video for social studies. Next we went outside. Then we had soup for lunch. Then we had rest time and I played prodigy. Then I watched some of a art live stream but then we had to go to do our doctor and now Ryan has s...

Getting Into the Swing of Things

Day 3 The morning was the same as every morning. I asked my dad if I could watch YouTube but he said no. So this morning, we did our math. It wasn't hard surprisingly. After that, we watched a video about the American Revolution. We actually didn't go outside today. We did have to head to my mom's work so that we could print some files. On the way, we listened to a podcast about The Office. After that, we stopped at Target to pick up my mom's new printer. After that we watched two live streams. The first one was by the author/illustrator of the Lunch Lady series and the Jedi Academy series and the second one was from the Cincinnati Zoo.  And then watched YouTube. I wasn't feeling that well so my mom said that I should take a warm bath. After that, we went to get my hair cut. That is pretty much all we did today.-Ryan This morning I went on my chrome book and played a math game called prodigy. Then I did some real math and played more prodigy. Next we had my leas...

Day 2

Day 2 This morning we didn't have much work. All we did was math, social studies, and reading. For lunch we had pizza bagels. Before lunch, we went outside for about 30 minutes. Then the rest of the day we had free time. We went for a bike ride and then spent another 30 minutes outside before having more tv time. Then we helped make dinner for the next 2 days. For today, we did make your own pizza, and for tomorrow, we made chicken noodle soup. That's all for my perspective for today. -Ryan This morning I got up and I did some math. Next we had social studies and Ryan watched a weird video. Then I read for a hour. Then I did a reading assignment about the book characters. Then I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then we had out side time for about 30 minutes. Next we came in for lunch and had pizza bagels. Then we had a lot of free time. Then we had more out side time and went on a bike ride with mom. Then we picked up a school chrome book that we rented. Then we picked up t...

Day 1

Day 1 When mom woke up, it was time to hit the books. She made us do our school stuff while she was working on her computer at home. She got mad at me a few times because she was "working". When my mom said for us to go outside, I complained that we had nothing to do, and she said to just deal with it. After we were done with our schoolwork, we then watched tv until mom told us to play outside once more. We played with our droids until mom was done with a call. We then watched more tv until mom said that we were gonna help make spaghetti for dinner. Then we were talking that we should ask our dad if it tasted different and he said it did. - Ryan When I woke up, we started work. First I practiced music. Next i did a page of math in my packet our teachers gave us. Then my stomach started hurting so my mom said i could lay down and read. Then I read stuff about how Michigan became a state for my social studies. Then i watched something called ted talks videos. Then there was ...

Here We Go

A genius friend of mine suggested that a good activity for the kids during the Coronavirus quartantine is to keep a daily blog of our isolation and attempts at learning while schools are closed down. As an added bonus, I am trying to work a few days from home, while "homeschool", so sanity is a precious commodity right now. The plan is to have the kids each add to the blog every day. Enjoy their adventures and frustrations, or if no one reads it at all, at least years from now we can all look back and get a good laugh at this weird period in all of our lives. Also, the blog titled itself, I mean come on, our last name is Sain, it would have been a crime if I had missed this opportunity.